Friday, February 14, 2020

Sexual Health and HIV strategy 2001 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Sexual Health and HIV strategy 2001 - Essay Example The intricacies of the policy and statistics on UK’s unwanted teenage pregnancy are also detailed. Finally, the positive role of the strategy for curbing teenage pregnancy rates is described. 1. Introduction The first national strategy to modernize sexual health and to provide HIV services in the country to address the rising number of HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) cases was introduced in 2001. The hazards of poor sexual health are dangerous because unintended pregnancies and certain, sexually transmitted infections can create long lasting effects on one’s lives. The number of people visiting the genito-urinary medicine (GUM) clinics increased by 100% in the last decade and currently, the cases are more than a million in a year in the UK (Department of Health. There exists a clear link between social environment, poverty and sexual ill health (Clements et al, 1998). Impact is also visible on minority ethnic groups and gay men. Furthermore, there have be en deviations in the sexual health of people across the country which is not satisfactory. The Sexual Health and HIV Strategy 2001 created a need to raise the level of services in coordination with the principles of NHS plan. HIV is incurable and a life threatening condition and the use of certain drugs can improve the lifespan of infected individuals but it presents severe challenges related to the care, treatment and support, and this strategy recognizes these issues (Dennison, 2004). 2. The Role of Groups in the Formation of the Strategy The Department of Health strives to bring progress in the health and well-being rates in England and wants to make it better in health care and other such values. The Secretary of State for Health in 2001 came out with novel goals for health and social care aimed at 5 primary points (Department of Health, 2011): Patient-led National Health Strategy Coming out with best health scenarios Responsible and autonomous health system Public health improv ement Bringing about greater reform in social care The 2001 strategy was to get the service providers and representatives participate. There was a major role for voluntary organizations as well, especially in the field of HIV. An effective partnership with voluntary organizations, service providers and representatives were important. A commitment period of ten years along with a strategic move rendered greater results. Investment of about ?47.5 million extra was set aside for the coming two years to cater to the needs of the scheme (British Medical Association, 2000). The strategy has been successful, as it has definitely brought down the inequalities in sexual health, especially for teenagers (DCSF, 2010). There will be place for advanced, effective and dedicated services that comes without the pressure of sex illness like HIV (CRD, 1997). The 2001 strategy has gained more support through public opinions. The last strategy implemented by the government took up the views of the serv ice users, representatives and the public as a whole, along with stake holders and those involved in the public health field. In order to strengthen the strategy and develop it the best way, the help of professionals and service users was essential. A wide range of professionals and health experts attended the six consultations conducted in England (Department of Health, 2003). The Department of Health supported events like the Brook and the African HIV Policy Network and Terrence Higgins Trust Lighthouse. The National AIDS Trust, FPA and the professional bodies controlling the spread of HIV were identified as a key priority in the Chief Medical Officer’s Infectious Disease Strategy (Bearman and Bruckner, 2001). Getting Ahead of the Curve was the other key stake holder through whom the Department of

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Preparing for Terrorism and Disasters in the new age of Health Care Research Paper

Preparing for Terrorism and Disasters in the new age of Health Care - Research Paper Example imilar in their occurrences that pay no regard to national borders and, therefore, no country or community is immune from terrorism and disasters, not even the perpetrators of terrorism themselves. However, depending on the levels and type of preparedness of governments, communities and individuals, vulnerability to terrorism and disasters vary on a wide scale (UNGA, 2012). The most obvious consequences of terrorism and disasters are the setbacks impacted on economic and social development, disruption of water and electricity supply and the crippling of communications and transportation systems. Agreeably, some countries in the developed world are sufficiently prepared to recover from these disruptions, even though the costs in terms of time and finances are considerably high. However, terrorism and disasters also present constant threats to public health, especially among older adults with conditions and disabilities that call for extra assistance, those with chronic diseases and to families with children who have special needs. More importantly, the effects are of magnitudes that surpass the affected communities’ capability to manage with their own resources (UNGA, 2012). It is critical for authorities and communities to plan how they will respond to these vulnerable groups when stricken with terrorism or disasters. Among the preparedness measures is taking care of medication and equipment, notifying health professionals and moving to special shelters. This paper will research and discuss on the topic of preparing for terrorism and disasters in the new age of health care. The presence of threats to public health cannot be doubted, as is manifested in nuclear, natural, terrorist, biological, radiological and chemical incidents. Apart from the traditional causes of health problems which are mainly diseases, terrorist attacks and disasters compound the effects of the complexity of the threats. The impacts these events have on a nation’s well-being are more